
Denise#2 – To be seen or not be seen….(Clip 2 of 2).

…is THAT the question?  What is self-perception on changeability? Denise Grünstein does a [Tjeinch] of the mind and comes back to talk. We talk about her work that to me, and her audience, is a big circle of changes and intellectual somersaults, but to her stomping ground in one place.  We dwell on the subject of public exposure; from the option full-on social media, to being totally invisible to come just a little out of the shadows. , What is it with the roar of constant visibility, that maybe makes you want to go the other way. Towards isolation and silence – like Garbo.  Maybe we should all go and hide?  And from there go back to seek…..

#tjeinch #change #magnusskogsberg #daretochangedaretofail #denisegrunstein #cameralink

Denise Grünstein work & representation: CAMERALINK…/denise-grunstein/exhibition…/denise-grunstein/archive

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